Fall is Here!!

>> Thursday, October 29, 2009

Well, the backyard was seeded just in time for the rain, and blades of grass are shooting up everywhere. Whoo hoo! I have been busy making soup, student teaching, and going to night classes. I'm excited for the upcoming holidays which means some much needed free time!!!

My mom had her annual Autumn party this last Sunday. We made tacos, carved pumpkins, watched football, and even tried Mitch's new inverter machine (scary). It was a great evening, but of course we missed Ryan greatly! He is doing well up in Alaska, and we're planning on him coming home for the wedding in March.

I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and hopefully a dive vacation late December. Ryan and I are starting to get antsy:-).

I hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween!


Sue Erickson,  November 14, 2009 at 12:12 PM  

The party was great fun! Shantel carved her pumpkin in record time! Brandon and Lindsay were troopers, as this was their second round of carving. We roasted pumpkin seeds and to my shame we baked a frozen apple pie. Ryan S. got high score on the video game and now his initials are up in lights awaiting to be dethroned by the next gamer. My heart is always full and overflowing when my family is together, I forget all cares of the world and feel so blessed to have such great family. I too look forward to the coming holidays and the traditions that accompany them. It is true, Ryan was missed in presents,however the place he holds in all of our hearts and minds is constant and strong. Thank you Shantel and Ryan for your time, love, laugher, competition, bravery, and beauty of who you each are. The party was a wonderful time with you!

Sue Erickson,  November 24, 2009 at 7:42 PM  

Thanksgiving at my home with Shantel, Ryan S. , Brandon, Lindsay,( Ryan E. and Mitch in our thoughts). We are not feeling sorry for the gallivanting Ryan E. and Mitch, as they were/are on their own adventure! Mitch of course returning sooner than our Ryan. We hope that Alaska is treating you right and that Vegas was a blast! Mean while back at the ranch, the rest of us had a great evening of good food, fun, laugher, and catching up. Sounds like Shantel is happy with her placement at Columbia River High School and in my opinion they are the lucky ones! Ryan S. is set to go hunting and has been reloading, as any good hunter would be. Brandon has his sights set on a Thanksgiving deer, via Eastern Washington! Lindsay is smiling and pressing on toward her goal of finishing school! I'm surrounded by HIGH ACHIEVERS! It feels GOOD and makes the buttons on my shirt pop! I'm so proud of my family, I love you guys! Thanks for a great evening, it was the highlight of my week! Lost of Love Mom

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