Christmas Shopping!

>> Friday, December 18, 2009

I had a wonderful day with my ma yesterday! We started the day with brunch at Mother's Bistro. I had a Greek frittata and my mom had the special frittata with potatoes and other lovely goodness. The atmosphere is so elegant and comfortable at Mother's, and the food is amazing!

After brunch we headed out on a shopping extravaganza in downtown Portland and NW 23rd. I don't want to give away details and ruin Christmas, but we did good. After shopping for hours, very hard for me, we went back to my mom's and admired the tree and talked about the upcoming week. It's amazing that my mom and I have never gone Christmas shopping together. It was so much fun, and really took the pressure off finding all the "perfect" gifts. I'm still struggling with getting a few gifts, but the wrapping is done and I'm ready to celebrate!


Sue Erickson,  December 29, 2009 at 5:03 PM  

And celebrate we did! This Christmas season was one of the best for me. Hard to believe that I would be able to say that with it being the first Christmas with out one of my children. Of course referring to our Ryan. I found myself thinking, someone should go up stairs and let Ryan know we were eating, unwrapping gifts, watching a movie. At each event I would, in my mind think he was one step away from joining us.

The shopping trip was a highlight to this season! Shantel, you are such a joy to spend time with. Each gift was well thought out and special. I was hoping that I was being sneaky, as you gave me great ideas for gifts for you. I wanted to buy everything that made your eyes shine. However I feel that the items I chose were things you would enjoy! I agree the brunch was amazing, so good. At the end of our meal I realized that this was just the being of the day together and was so excited. If we would have had to end our time together after brunch I would have felt that it was a GREAT DAY! I hope you know that I consider the shopping day one of my favorite gifts this season. I dibby dubbs you for a shopping trip every year from here on out!

Unknown January 12, 2010 at 7:04 AM  

So. Called the dogs and grabbed the camera, eh? We've had 5-6" just in the last week. I've got a new thrill for you. Come over our way and SHOVEL it for a while. ;-)

Are we gonna' see you two in Roatán?


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