And so it is...

>> Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So much has happened in last few days. My heart is about to explode with the thought of March being only three months away. Why March? Because March 27th will be the date of "The Big Day" as many are referring to it. Ryan and I, however, are referring to it as the day for our big party in celebration of our marriage. Weird, marriage:-). I can't believe how quickly it already seems to be approaching. I feel good though; I have no stress. Ryan has been full of great ideas and is great at helping me to simply make a decision. So, things done: the dress is bought and here, the site of the above mentioned party has been booked, colors picked, flowers just about finished, and music in the works. All-in-all, everything is going well on the wedding front.

As for all this time I have off, it seems to be taken up by plenty of fun things. I'm going Christmas shopping for the first time with my mom this week. We're doing a little brunch before hand. I'm very excited. I'm visiting a middle school this week as well. I want to catch up with as many girlfriends as possible. I feel as though I haven't had friends for the last few months, excluding my MIT-ers of course.

I'm also working on my unit for The Great Gatsby that I will teach in February. I want as much of the planning done before hand as possible. We'll see.

Ryan has made crazy progress on the new room and bathroom. With the help (motivation) of Harley, Ryan has: set the shower, installed the fan and light, and hooked up the heater. In no time we'll have it finished! To say the least, VERY EXCITING!

Well, I hope you all are enjoying the winter weather and enjoying the preparations for the upcoming holidays. Till next time!


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