Whom isn't...
>> Monday, October 24, 2011
I love it when I hear people say, "There's nothing to do". Seriously? Nothing? Especially in the great Northwest, there is always something to do. That being said, we're all busy, however, I was reminded of how great it can be to do nothing- plan nothing. This summer was super busy with numerous weddings, a funeral, and a few out of town guests. We had a great time, but I always love when Fall rolls around and I can do what I love to do without feeling guilty: read, cook cozy meals, and kick it with the family while it rains outside. This Fall is extra amazing due to you know who! She makes everything better.
I will have another pass time this Fall too- talking on the phone. I usually HATE the phone, however, with my BFF in New York, I have found it's not too bad. I would rather have her here, but at the end of the day, I still get to glean from her wisdom, laugh with her, and have the comfort of knowing there is someone who knows so much about me that I need not explain half of what I'm feeling. It's great to have a good friend whom knows you... really knows you. We had a great 2-hour convo on Saturday that produced many thoughts regarding who you let into your life and how far. I have always kept my little circle small, but with the addition of a little one, it seems I'm even more cautious. This is a blessing and a curse.
I have taken up sewing this year as well. I will reveal my first ever sewing project this week. I gifted the project to my brother and his new wifey on their wedding day. I can't wait to share!
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