Dear Abby

>> Monday, October 24, 2011

I love my job for so many reasons. I feel seriously blessed to have found a profession that fits me like my favorite jeans. The students are the best part. This past week I was able to assign a great little task courtesy of Abby. Abby sent me an email last Sunday with the following question included:

Shouldn't your best friends, BFF, be someone you admire at least enough to want to be like? Not in the sense that you copy everything they do, but in that you look at who they are and say to yourself, "that's really cool. I want to try and implement that in my life."? Just a thought.
The 9th graders had just finished reading The Chosen. One topic covered in this little jem of a book is friendship. I presented the above question to the students, all 82 of them, and asked them to write Abby back in the form of a letter. They were to answer her question based on their reading and life experience. The responses amazed me. They were so thoughtful and kind. I promptly mailed all 82 letters to Abby that afternoon. I knew that I couldn't talk to Abby for the next three days for fear of spilling the beans! I love using the good old post office.

Abby received the letters and called right away... of course. It was a super writing prompt, but more importantly, it was a reminder to the students, and myself, that one never stops seeking for what it means to be a true friend and to have a true friendship. Thank you, Dear Abby.


Whom isn't...

I love it when I hear people say, "There's nothing to do". Seriously? Nothing? Especially in the great Northwest, there is always something to do. That being said, we're all busy, however, I was reminded of how great it can be to do nothing- plan nothing. This summer was super busy with numerous weddings, a funeral, and a few out of town guests. We had a great time, but I always love when Fall rolls around and I can do what I love to do without feeling guilty: read, cook cozy meals, and kick it with the family while it rains outside. This Fall is extra amazing due to you know who! She makes everything better. 

I will have another pass time this Fall too- talking on the phone. I usually HATE the phone, however, with my BFF in New York, I have found it's not too bad. I would rather have her here, but at the end of the day, I still get to glean from her wisdom, laugh with her, and have the comfort of knowing there is someone who knows so much about me that I need not explain half of what I'm feeling. It's great to have a good friend whom knows you... really knows you. We had a great 2-hour convo on Saturday that produced many thoughts regarding who you let into your life and how far. I have always kept my little circle small, but with the addition of a little one, it seems I'm even more cautious. This is a blessing and a curse.

I have taken up sewing this year as well. I will reveal my first ever sewing project this week. I gifted the project to my brother and his new wifey on their wedding day. I can't wait to share! 


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