Absolutly doing this come summer

>> Monday, January 24, 2011

Love and Lavender
A "Thankful for Friends Party"?!? What could be more fun and appropriate on a warm summer day? Check out the party and all the details here and here.

I'm working on being a better friend this year. I'm known as a person with few, albeit, close friends. However, I tend to keep to myself most of the time. Ever since I can remember the thought of staying the night at a friend's house felt foreign and not appealing. Yet I love getting together with a bunch of creative, inspiring, and strong women.

"Being a better friend" is hard to define, but I'm working on it. I'm trying to call more often, plan outings that don't revolve around coffee or lunch, and just being more open to hanging out. I'm not sure why it's hard for me to just "hang out" with friends. (Ryan and I are so alike in this way.)

So, this is my goal: I will have a "Thankful for Friends Party" this summer celebrating my dear friends who keep me grounded, sane, inspired, and laughing.


Cassie January 24, 2011 at 4:05 PM  

A great idea, indeed! Thank goodness for great friends!

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