>> Monday, February 2, 2009

Ryan and I had a great time the past two weekends up in Hoodsport,WA diving with friends. Ryan takes amazing pictures with his underwater camera! He is having a blast testing out all the bells and whistles:-) The pictures will be posted shortly...I promise! As for the diving, the octopus are out in full force right now, and the visibility is pretty good.

My first dive of the weekend was the biggest learning experience yet. Alex, Harley, and I had a great dive where I really had to pay attention:-). I'm so used to having the best dive buddy ever, Ryan. However, I've noticed I have become lazy in: navigating, searching for the smaller sea life, and overall awareness. I'm not planning on trading in my buddy, yet it was nice to gain some experience, and confidence, with Alex and Harley. 

On our second dive, Harley and I went one way and Ryan went the other. Unfortunately for Harley and I, Ryan found a giant pacific octopus and played/took pictures for a good forty minutes. Not to be out done, Harley and I found plenty of fish, a HUGE wolf eel, and other fun critters. Above is the head of a giant pacific octopus. The horns are up, and you can see one eye right below one of the horns.  

Weekends at "The Yellow House" are always full of great food, good laughs, and enjoying good friends. Ryan and I feel so lucky to have found a place where everyone is there to have a great experience in the water and top-side. 

A special shout-out to my mom for always taking great care of Athena on such short notice! Athena loves time at "Grandma's" house:-). 


Anonymous,  February 2, 2009 at 9:48 PM  

I loved the posting! It is great to hear the details. Sounds like a wonderful place to spend the weekends you have available. It is so great that you two have a common hobbie and then have the opportunity to incorperate others. I can't wait for the pictures! Ryan has a great eye!

As for miss Athena, it is always our pleasure to have the unconditioanl love of a grand puppy. I mean we have the best of both world's, a canine that we spoil and then send home. (he he he) She's the greatest!!
Lots of Love, Mom

Anonymous,  February 5, 2009 at 5:08 PM  

WOW!!! Great pictures!! I'm so amazed at the beauty of the under water world. The colors and the mystery. I request a photo for the frig.
Lots of Love, Mom

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