A leather set was on my wish list... not in our budget. So, with my new summer hours I decided to try my hand at a custom fit slip cover for my husband's couch from his bachelor days. The hunter green, 80's style just kept putting a cramp in my decorating of the living room. Here is the before picture (brace yourself):
I used the tutorials from
Honeybear Lane via
The Inspired Room to guide my new adventure. It took two weeks of sewing while Emily was sleeping and a lot of patience. I started sewing back in September of last year so everything with this project was new: piping, zippers, and no pattern.
I purchased the coral canvas from
Fabric Depot in Portland. I had the help of my super creative and talented sister-in-law, Chelsea. I found the canvas for crazy cheap: 16 yards for $104.00. Whoo hoo!
I plan on making the pillows for the back of the couch once I find more of the coral canvas as I ran out after making the actual slip cover. I bought the current pillows at Home Goods, but I don't
love them. I would rather have matching pillows for the back with some coordinating throw pillows. I hope to make it back to Fabric Depot this week to check out the canvas situation. The picture is a bit bright... I promise our couch isn't hot pink!
Here is the after: