It's Official!

>> Sunday, February 20, 2011

I'm in love with the fabric Terry and I found for the nursery. I decided to go with the orange and green color scheme from Kate Spain's Central Park line. Terry, Ryan's mom, is making the: bumpers, sheets, crib skirt, and a pillow for The Baby. I couldn't be more excited. I'll post pictures as soon as I have the finished product.

Below is a similar set-up of the crib bedding. The crib skirt will be the image right below the word "Spain" on the above collage. I love the trees!

Below is the crib we have chosen.

Babi Italia Eastside Crib in Cinnamon


The Little Things

>> Friday, February 11, 2011

Working with an amazing group of women

Teaching and learning from an amazing group of teenagers

Learning a nap is a blessing

The perfect pair of curtains

A full fridge

A full heart  


I'm in Good Hands

>> Monday, February 7, 2011

Students: When is The Baby coming?

Me: Ten weeks! (cough)

Students: Are you OK, Silby?

Me: Yes. Thanks for asking. Let's get started on that vocab.

Student #1: Are you having contractions? Did your water break? Are you sure you're OK?

Me: It was just a little cough. I'm fine.

Student #2: OK. (pause) Well, if you do go into labor I know how to deliver a baby. I watched Knocked Up.


The Nursery

>> Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'm feeling the pressure of picking a theme for the nursery. I can't believe The Baby comes in ten weeks (give or take), and we have only three baby items in our possession. Ryan and I have been so great about sticking to the remodel. Oh, we move in today!!! I will post pictures this week.

Back to the nursery. Yesterday, Jois and I went to the fabric store to get some ideas for the bumpers curtains, and such. I just can't stand the idea of our baby having some generic pattern from Babies R Us. Here is my favorite so far.

This picture doesn't show the exact coloring of the fabric, but it is so sweet and it is flannel. Super cozy!

Since we don't know the gender, putting together a nursery is proving to be a little more difficult than I had first anticipated. I want to stay away from a "theme", but I also want the room to feel put together and made specifically for The Baby.

I will head over to Fabric Depot to check out their selection before making any commitments:-). The good news is that we have time. We bust into the main bathroom remodel in two weeks. After the bathroom is complete we will have the wood floors refinished and the walls/ceilings in the whole house textured and painted. We will then put away our tools and focus on the nursery and starting this new adventure into babyland. Our "rule" is that we will finish all projects by April 1st (besides the nursery).  I have a feeling it will all work out just great.


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