The Rain

>> Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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Oh how I love these rainy days of September in the great northwest! I love the first fire of the season, Lucy inside and all cuddly, Alley Cat pissed off that Lucy is inside and stealing cuddle time from her, homemade soups, and good books. I love everything about fall!

Fall also means the beginning of school. Unfortunately, I did not get a job. Boo. However, I am all set up to sub, and I feel super lucky to have gotten on the sub list. With all the out of work teachers, it was more difficult than I thought it would be. So, I get to be in the school system/classroom without any planning, grading, or meetings. I can handle that for a year. But only a year. I really wanted to teach right out of the gate.

I have started reading Lolita. It is a tough one to get through. I've been working on it for about two weeks. The subject matter is difficult, but the writing is beautiful. Happy Wednesday!


The Sun

>> Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How can I express my love for this magazine? When I see it sitting in my mailbox, I feel as though the mail person just gave me my first Christmas present... ever. I run into the house, make sure it's silent, put on hot water for tea, grab my blanket, and I get settled to be moved in my soul. I don't agree with everything this magazine suggests, but it always makes me think. It always inspires me. Not once have I been disappointed. 

My two mentors gifted me a subscription after I borrowed several, 40, of their archived issues. I just love it. I want to spread my joy to you. Visit their website and subscribe to their ad free fantastic magazine.

I used the magazine as a teaching tool with the juniors as well. It was a powerful week of exploring various "Readers Write" sections and having the students create their own stories based on one-word themes.

Love it, love it, love it.


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